Monday, 12 August 2013



Common features in evolution
1.                 How to create VAT
2.                 How to navigate VAT in evolution
3.                 How to set company parameter
4.                 How to block accounting period
5.                 How to create project.

Procedure on how to create VAT
·        Go to system tree
·        Go to Common
·        Go to Maintenance
·        Go to VAT
·        Select Add or Edit

There are two ways to access application on your desktop
I        Right-clicking
i.                   Right click
ii.                 Select Open
iii.              Enter your user name  & password (Your user name and password is case-sensitive)
iv.              Select OK
II       Double Clicking
Ø i      Enter your name and password
Ø ii     Highlight the company
Ø iii    Select OK

1        Menu bar
3        Task bar
3i       System tree
4        Work area
5        Favourite (Short cut)

Output tax
Output tax adjustment
Input tax capital (Capital Gain Tax)
2 types of project management options to enable us to tract project
i.        The income
ii.       The material used
ii        Overhead expenses
iv       Project profit & loss

i         Go to System tree
ii        Go to Common
iii       go to Maintenance
iv       Go to Add
Example:    Project code:  115
Name          Vanguard Outstation projects
Description :        Vanguard outstation Project
Click OK to create the project.

Company details
Procedure for counting GD
-         System tree
-         Maintenance
-         Add
General Ledger
i         Maintenance
ii        Transactions
iii       Enquiry
iv       Report.

i.                   In Maintenance, we create, add, edit modify and delete transaction. You don’t  post.
ii.                 Transactions enable users to post their day to day transaction. You can only create on the flyer in the transaction
iii.              Ledger enquiries  - enables users to ascertain the double entry principle of a particular transaction i.e. audit trail
Project enquiries.
iv.              Report – to view

i.                   Understanding the system
ii.                 Understanding the transaction
iii.              Understand Account Type
iv.              Understand Coding structure

Printing – right click, Add or create on the flyer

The general ledger is the heart of accounting system
Every other modules interface with the general ledger to produce your financial or management report at a particular period.

Things to note
i.        How to create GL or Chart of Account
ii.       How to create branches, depts.
iii.      How to set up budget & budget culture
v.                 How to post or process bank payment and receipts,  imprest or petty cash payment & receipts.
vi.              How to post journal  batches (prepayment, accruals, payroll, depreciation adjustment & recurring journal)
vii.            Journal transfer is used to transfer balances (wrong balances of under cast or overcast.

There are two ways to enter
i         Using the bank module in evolution
ii        Using the receipt & payment vouchers
iii       Using Account Payable module for payment, Accounts receivable for receipt.
Iv      Using journal for Account Receivable & Payment

1.                 Bank Module
Go to system tree
-         General Ledger
-         Transaction
-         Cash book batches
Select transaction
      - Add
Printing the description of the bank
e.g. (Zenith) and select OK

2.                 Go to Sage Pastel Icon
Select OK
Type in your username & password
Click receipt or payment
-         Tender type e.g. Payment Cash
-         Transaction type: Payment General Ledger A/c, A/c payable
-         Narrative
E.g. General Ledger A/C – Chart of A/c
Select the bank
Transaction Code – e.g. Cash payment
Click: Process if authorized

3.                 A/C Receivable
Transaction, Standard
Select the customer paying
Go to transaction code
Select receipt
Select the date of transaction, PV No, Teller no, amt, description, f9(process)

P.V NO: 0055701
Narration:            Advert Commission
                             Congratulation               504,856
                             CBI                                159800
ICRC                              22800
TOTAL                          587456

Rqd: Post the transaction

Split line -   The share chq

Creating GL Opening Balance
4 ways
1. Using GL for GL rebated transaction journal
2. Using A/C receivable for transactions relating to customers.
3. Using A/C payable modules
4. Using inventory module
5. Fixed assets register module

System tree
Opening balance journal
Enter the necessary debit and credit

-A/C Receivable
System tree
A/C receivable
Select the customer A/C
Transaction Type: - Select Opening & Closing Balance
Enter date
Ref date
F9 / process
Select view to check

-A/C Payable
System tree
Suppliers A/C
Transaction code – Select opening balance, date, ref, description, Amount, F9/process, view to check if you are correct

-Inventory Opening Balances
Please note you use this as well to do inventory adjustment after stock count
System tree
Inventory adjustment
Select the inventory item
Date, ref, ,transaction, description
Ensure that the adjusted qty on hand is ticked
Inventory Adjustment – Qty or cost

Fixed Asset
System tree
Fixed asset
Asset, add

Asset Code description purchase date, capex order, master asset, scrap valve, Ok

Creation of Customer – Procedure
-System tree
-A/C receivable

Allocate payments against invoice
Open item – Credit customer
Balance brought forward – cash customer

3. How to impert Journal
-System tree
-Journal batches
-Select journal e. g payroll journal

Reconciliation of Daily Transaction\
When reconciling daily transaction, ensure
1.     all bank and cash transactions, invoices, customer suppliers invoices, debit and credit note, inventory adjustment, fixed assets, journals are being processed for the day if not, go to the respective module
i. GL
ii. A/C receivable
Iii. A/C Payable
v.                 fixed asset
vi.              Inventory to ascertain the correctness of each source document against the processed transaction on sage.
vii.            Check item for credit control
viii.         Charge tax
ix.              Edit ageing period : Monthly daily customize
x.                 Contact detail
xi.              Credit Limit

Creating suppliers
Same as above
I.e. system tree a/c payable, maintenance customer, add

Importing & Exporting cash book from excel to sage

1.     System tree 2. GL 3. Cash book batchers

2nd procedure
Go to Start
Sage pastel evolution data distribution service
Check on new
AS C11
Ok , next, browse

Thereafter you can now print individual report  module. In each of the module you have enquiry to trail each of the mis-posting error either by omission or commission processed b y individual user.

A/C Receivables
Classification of customers in VML agency outstation, Barter, Lagos staff, direct, gratis, bridglonic / supplements.
Customer invoices can be processed in two ways 1. service or ii. Product/inventory  why grouping your customers.
-         You must understand the group they fall into

-         Understand the GL transaction the customer is linked into the group
-         Must understand the subgroup or area the customer fall into

·        System tree
·        Account Receivable
·        Maintenance
·        Groups
·        Add
·        Enter or define a code
·        Group description e.g. Barter BT 001
·        Enter Group override, under row, and
 Receivable Control
Select Barter Receivable Control
-         Click OK

You  must know if the customer already exist in data base
If not, create the customer linking it to a specific group they belong
Raise an invoice either circulation or Advert

Accounting entry for raising invoice
DR Customer Account
CR Sales which can be split to various revenue account
DR Cost of Sales
CR Stock for finished Goods Account
But for service items,
     CR Sales
     DR Customers Account

Credit not is raised to a customer when there are defects or special arrangement to return products when they are not sold. The accounting entry is the opposite of the invoice.
-         Internal Issue out by Accounts Dept.
-         Credit Control Measure
Four Accounts Affect on internal issue out

Dr. Cost of Sales
Cr. Revenue
CR Inventory
Dr/ Personal Account

Cash Refund to Customer
Generating Customer Report
·        Sales Analysis
·        Customer balance
·        Customer Statement
·        Customer Transaction report (Detail or summarized)
·        Customers List – according to group.

·        System tree
·        Accounts Receivables
·        Maintenance
·        Customer
·        Add
·        Enter the customer unique code
·        Customer name
·        Description
·        Title (if an individual)
·        Ascertain under cash or credit customer
·        Enter the description
·        Select the group the customer belong (u can right click to create
·        Area
·        Sales Rep etc.
Alternatively, you can copy existing customer and edit.

Raising An Invoice
There are four ways of raising an invoice
i.                   Using Accounts Receivable (only Service Invoice)
ii.                 Using  inventory invoice (service & product invoice)
iii.              Order entry – Service & Product Invoice)
iv.              Sales Order Processing  (SOP)

·        System tree
·        Account Receivable (You can right lick to create
·        Area
·        Sales Rep.
Alternatively, you can copy existing customer and edit.

Raising An Invoice
·        Using Account receivable (only service invoice)
·        Using inventory invoice (service and product)
·        Order entry – (service & product invoice)
·        Sales order Processing (SOP)

1.     Accounts Receivable
·        System tree
·        Accounts Receivable
·        Transaction
·        Standard
·        Select Customer name
·        Transaction Code – select invoice
·        Enter date
·        Reference – invoice no. manually
·        Amount – exclusive or inclusive VAT
·        Description
·        Select VAT
·        F9./Process
·        View history
2.      Inventory Invoice
·        System Tree
·        Inventory
·        Transactions
·        Invoice
·        Select the customer
·        Enter
Other Cash customer balances is always zero.

How to Call Over An Invoice, Cr. Note, Invoice, GRV, Quotation
·        System tree
·        Inventory
·        Transaction
·        Invoice Slash
·        GRV Slash/Cr Note/Return to suppliers
·        Open
·        Under Account, select the customer
·        Under Status – Unprocessed quotation
·        Select the Date of transaction (If sure)
·        Click find
·        Highlight & select OK

3.     Order Entry – SOP & POP (Sales Order Processing  & Purchase Order Processing)\
This is usually done by users when sales or purchases are done in stages, batches or range to generate just a single invoice for those interval of sales & purchases.

The same for POP
·        system tree
·        Order entry
·        Transaction
·        Sales order entry
·        Sales select customer

Two ways to process customers journal
1.     Using A/C receivable journal. Process both dir & Cr
·        System tree
·        A/c Receivable
·        Transaction
·        Standard
·        Customer A/C or name
·        Select Cr / Dr journal
·        Enter the date of transaction
·        Enter the reference
2.     Using A/c receivable batch journal
·        System tree
·        A/c Receivable
·        Trans
·        A/c re batch maintenance
·        New batches
·        Option: Clear batch after post
·        Allow duplicate reference
·        Always show G L contra entry
·        Allow editing GL contra a/c

Accounts Receivable Relink
·        System tree
·        A/c Rec
·        Maintenance
·        Balance relink
·        Start

How to raise credit note
3 ways
1.     Using A/c Receivable standard
2.     Using the inventory module
3.     Using order entry
1.     Using A/C receivable standard
·        System tree
·        A/C payable
·        Transaction
·        Standard
·        Select the customer
·        Select journal credit (This is only used for service item)
2.     Inventory Module ( for product & service)
·        System tree
·        Inventory tree
·        Transaction
·        Credit note
·        The customer
·        Enter the detail & process
3.     Order Entry
·        -system tree
·        -Order entry
·        -Maintenance
·        -Cancel order
·        -Select the customer
·        -Select the order no
·        -Withholding Tax under transaction code
·        Enter the detail, date, ref, amt
·        F9 / Process-

Customer Refund Processing
3 ways
1.     Using the bank / cash module
2.     Using A/C Rec standard
3.     Using customer batch journal
4.     Purging an account receivable
Enquiry – There is balance enquiry on every 34v2 check. It is date driven

-Ensure that the suppliers have not been created
-Create a vender if not in existent
-Create the payable group arrears, sales rep or contact person
-Opening balance ,enter the Op. bal of the supplier
- Raise suppliers invoice GRN,DR,NOTE or return to supplier, suppliers refund, - ---  - -Debit/credit journals withholding tax
-Report, remittance advice supplier transaction, other report.

Procedure on how to create suppliers
Same as a/c receivable
-Menu bar
-A/c payable
-Add new
-enter supplier code, group & area, description, group & area, A/C type forms, contact details, items supplied, OK

Ilustration: Create supplier Build Well thing. Code: B003; Credit limit N1.5m, Currency.

How to process suppliers Invoice Procedure

1.     Using A/c payable standard
2.     Using inventory (GRV)
3.     Purchase order processing (POP)
4.     Procurement
Using a/c payable standard ( service)
-system tree
A/c payable
- transaction
- enter the suppliers code and name
- Select the suppliers invoice
- Enter reference
- Amount
- Description
- VAT if  there’s Vat
- Process
- View transaction

Using inventory (service & product)
-system tree
-Goods received voucher
-Enter sup[pliers detail name & acct invoice no populate automatically or enter manually
- Date of transaction
- Delivery method – by land by truck contact person
- Select line transaction in the work area
- Select ST for stock item
- GL for service items
- Quantity unit price, Vat
- F9/Process

Order other entry purchase order processing (POP) service & product

This is used where there are ranges or interval between the first delivery & last delivery
- Procedure
- System tree
- Order entry
- Transactions
- Purchase order
- Select the sill
- Enter
- Order no & invoice no
- Delivery method
- Enter item where you have stock. select ST, GL fir service item
- Enter quantity to supply
- Unit cost
- Vat (input tax – no 4)
- Discount or volume discount
- F9 / Process
- Print : Purchase order & supplier invoice

Procurement ( same as above)
How to process:
1.     Return to customer ( Credit Note)
2.     Return to supplier ( Debit note)
Procedure (CN)
There are 2 ways to process
1.     Under a/c receivable standard
·        system tree
·        A/c receivable
·        Transactions
·        Standard
·        Enter the customer code ( if created)
·        Select credit note, date reference, amt, sales rep involved, vat ( vat output adjustment
·        Description: link if to a project ( if any)
·        F9 / Process
The report populate

2nd Approach of razing Cr note
·        -System tree
·        Inventory
·        Transaction
·        Cr note
·        Enter the customer name
·        Cr. Note no
·        Enter inv. Returned, unit pr
·        Unit price ( sale as that of invoice
·        Select VAT – no 2 (output adj
·        F9 / Process
The system populate Cr note for you to file or cancel

How to search processed invoice
·        System tree
·        Inventory
·        GRV or GRV slash
·        Credit note / debit note
·        Select open (where you have a/c
·        Select the customer name to be specific, select the date of transaction if known
·        Enter the invoice no ( if known)
·        Select find
·        Highlight it
·        Select ok

Inventory module
How to create inventory item
How to process inventory opening
How to do inventory count
How to transfer from one inventory warehouse to another
How to process inventory journal or batches
How to do inventory enquiry
How to setup re-enter level unit of massive, inventory group, delivery method

Bank Recon & Budget, budget fixed asset

1.     Fixed asset
-         How to capture asset size
-         Dep. Method
-         Asset location
-         Supplies of asset
-         Asset budget
-         Asset cost centre
-         How to process monthly dep
-         How to generate FA schedule
-         How to generate FA movement
-         How to generate FA report
-         Depreciation report
-         Fixed assets enquiry

It is used for the purpose of reconciling your B.S & sage bank statement to ascertain the variance or discrepancies caused by the following
1.     Unpresented cheque
2.     Uncredited cheque
3.     Error of commission , omission overcast etc, causes either by the banker or the sage treasury manager
4.     COT VAT on COT commission mgt fees, bank charges, standing orders etc

Procedure on how to do Bank Reconciliation
-         System tree
-         GL
-         Transaction
-         Bank recon
-         Select the bank e.g. oceanic bank
-         Select the month you are doing the recon
-         Select view
-         Compare  Dr & Cr between the sage statement and Bank statement
-         Select clear
(Note;  report is up to the date you request).

Under GL Bank Reconciliation,
Click view,
Enter the Bank Balance
-         Enter the statement balance
-         Clear all transactions against the bank statement.
-         Raise journal or bank payment or receipts if application
-         Preview report before closing the bank reconciliation finally to ensure that there is not discrepancies

How to Set Budget
There are 3 types of Budget
1.                 Normal Budget
2.                 Project Budget
3.                 Capex Budget (Fixed Asset)

Normal Budget Procedure
-         System tree
-         GL
-         Maintenance
-         Budget
Select the accounts you want to set budge for e.g. Hotel & traveling
-         Click vie
-         Select the month or year you want to set the budget for.
-         Double click the first month e.g. Jan ‘11

Project Budget
You must have created it manually
-         System  Tree.
-         GL
-          Maintenance
-         Project Budget
-         Select from the account from  to
-         Select the project
-         Select the years
-         Click on view
-         Enter  the value manually
-         Click or save & close
Note: This is done for all the projects that you will be setting budget for.

-Setting accounting period for FA
-         System Tree
-         F A
-         Maintenance
-         Account Period
-         Add & ok
Creating Asset Type
The asset thype is used to grop or categorise each assets the organisaion purchase per time. It is also used to link the depreciation method & rate application to the group of that assets to generate the accumulated and expense depreciation over a period . It is used to ascertain the revaluation percentage, insurance percentage & Residual factor %.

-         System Tree
-         Fixed Asset
-         Maintenance
-         Asset Type
-         Add
-         Type in the Asset Code & description
-         Locate the Accumulated Depreciation GL A/c
-         Locate the Depreciation expense account
-         Selec the assets that should be depreciated
-         Select ok
Note: All asset that will be purchased per time would be linked to individual group.

How To Create An Asset
-         System
-         Maintenance
-         Assets
-         Add

How To create An Asset
-         System tree
-         Fixed Asset
-         Maintenance
-         F. A.
-         Add

Replace Date: This can be selected if the date of replace replacement of asset is known.  Replacement  cost – This is selected if  known.

Capital Gain Tax:
This  is used if capital allowance is applicable in this particular asset.
Master Asset –Enter master assets if the asset is master asset.
Enter no of units e.g. 2 or 3
Total Value In Unit – Purchase price : 4 million.
Insured Value:  5% of 4 million
Scrap Value:  e.g. 50,000
Asset Serial No:  Note that before entering of asset serial no, the system will ask you to save work, then select o.k. and enter serial no of assets, details of the asset. description, location.
Select OK.

Depreciation, book value – This is calculated automatically by the system.
Tax depreciation: It is equally calculated automatically by the system.

-        Enter the finance method if the asset was bought in lease
-        Enter interest rate in %
-        Enter residual value,
-        Enter security used for the purchase of the assets e.g. shares, land
-        Enter Period of lease
-        Account no where your bank s located
-        Select OK or enter image of the item. Add incidence e.g. memos

Edit Depreciation Method
Fixed Asset Default

Procedure for depreciation Method
-         System
-         F. A.
-         Dep Method
-         Add
To hit GL, go to journal batch
To process the batch to hit GL
-         System tree
-         GL
-         Journal Batche
-         Post batches

View F. A. Report
1.       Depreciation Report
Asset Impairment
Book Dep. Report
2        GL Batch report
3        Capex Report
          - Capex Cash Flow Forces
          - Cape Forecast
          - Capex detail report
          - Capex purchase
          - Capex summary
4        Labels
          - Asset back hold label
          - Asset Location, back hold  label
          - Enter description of dep.
          - Sel;ect the basis of  dep
          - Select the value or %
          - OK
5.       Listing
          -        Asset detail
          -        Assets consolidation history
          -        Asset type listing
          -        Capital Gain Tax listing
          -        Depreciation Method listing
          -        Insurance value listing
          -        Ledger  a/c listing
          -        Physical locatioin
6..      Assets Movement Report
          -        Assets sold
          -        Purchase Report
          -        Revaluation Report
          -        Tax Sold report
          -        Transfer Report
7.       Others
          Assets reconciliation report
2       ways to run monthly.
1.                 Using GL Transaction batch
2.                 Using GL Dep Batch
-         System tree
-         Fixed Assets
-         Transaction
-         GL Dep Batch
-         GL Transaction batch
-         Enter the batch  Ref. No. e.g. JB 002
-         Generate batch
Select the period of running dep e.g. 1/1/10  or Jan – Dec 2010
-         Select Ok
-         Save
-         Post batch

-         System Tree
-         F. A.
-         Transaction
-         Group Transfer
-         Select Date, Ref,
-         From – To
Asset type, cost centre, location
Blocking As Assets
-         System Tree
-         Maintenance
-         Accounting period
-         Check the box, froze the Asset
Procedur on Revaluing An Asset
-         system Tree
-         F.A.,
-         Transaction
-         Group Revaluation
-         Selectthe  Asset Type .e.g. FF
-         Date, Ref,
-         Revalue by purchase amount
-         Select OK to revalue

-         System Tree
-         F A.
-         Maintenance
-         Capex Budget
-         Add
-         Description of the asset e.g. FF
-         Capitalisation date – the beginning of the period: 01/01/2011
-         Asset Tupe : Select FF
-         Under the cost centre, select
-         Select new
-         Select Add
-         Slect the date & the amount
-         Select Ok
-         Sytem Tree
-         F.A.
-         Maintenance
-         Capex Order
-         Enter the ordering code
-         Select the Capex Budget
-         Enter the date, Amount
-         Procedure on Scrapping/Selling/Partial Disposal/Dividing, Transferring, Impairment, Residual Revaluation

NOTE: Run the sell/scrap before running depreciation
-         System Tree
-         F. A.
-         Transactions
-         Sell/Scrap
-         Enter the detail
-         Ok

1.                 How to create a customer
2.                 How to create customer group
3.                 How to raise invoice customer
4.                 How to raise Credit Note for customer
5.                 How to see customer balances

Procedure for creating a customer
-         System tree
-         Accounts receivable,
-         Manufacture,
-         Customer
-         Add
-         Customer code
-         Customer name
-         Description
-         Group
-         Select if d customer taxable or not
-         Select contact detail of customer
-         elect account detail,
-         Ok
Procedure for Creating Customer Group
-         System tree
-         Account Receivable
-         Maintenance
-         Group
-         Add
-         Enter Group Code
-         Description
-         Debit or debtor or receivable account
-         Control Account
-         Ok
Note: Before creating any group, ensure that such group does not exist

How to filter customer balances
-         System tree
-         Accounts Receivable
-         Maintenance
-         Customer
-         Customer balances
-         System tree
-         Accounts Receivable
-         Report
-         Select the customer from Agent to Agent

How to raise an invoice for customer
Two types of invoice (Service & Product)
2 ways to raise product invoice
i.        Inventory module
ii        Other entry

System tree
Credit Note